

Having a bad hair day? Does your hair feel sticky and greasy after a long day? Or does it feel frizzy and dried out? Whatever your hair texture is, what matters is how you follow a proper and consistent hair care routine. There are different types of hair types as well as scalp types. Caring for your hair is as important as caring for your skin and body. Let’s go through 10 hair care tips to follow in your daily routine.  


Wash Hair Regularly  

Washing your hair depends on what your hair type is. If you have very frizzy and dried hair, then wash your hair twice or thrice a week. If you have a greasy scalp, then washing your hair should be more regular, like every 1.5 days you can wash your hair and shampoo it to avoid deposits of impurities. If you have a normal hair type, then you can wash your hair as the hair condition.   


Chemical Free Shampoo  

In the long run using chemical free shampoos may lead to several issues like hair fall, grayness, dryness and so on. Usage of sulfate and paraben containing shampoos can be a problem as they may cause skin irritation and breakouts on face and forehead.   


Dry Hair Naturally  

Many people nowadays use drying tools to absorb moisture from your hair. Using heat on your scalp and hair leads to easy breakage of your hair. Blow drying regularly can make your hair look so worn down. Instead of using such heating tools, after hair wash dries naturally. You can use a microfiber hair cloth to absorb the moisture.  


Use a Good Conditioner  

When you choose a good shampoo, you might forget to use a decent conditioner. A conditioner sets your hair in place and gives a bounce to your mane. While shampoo is used directly on the scalp, conditioner must be applied only on the hair. Choose one as per your hair texture.  


Oiling Your Tresses  

Oiling can help retain your moisture content and enables hair growth and repairs split ends. After applying oil, massage from root to tip and leave it for a few minutes. Then wash off your hair. Using warm oil is also good for your scalp.   


Use Big Toothed Comb Preferably Neem  

Use a wide toothed comb to brush your hair. In addition to this, you can also use a neem comb rather than plastic combs. A wooden neem comb can reduce hair fall and prevent the growth of lice. After oiling, you can use neem comb to evenly distribute the oil.   


Avoid Heating Tools  

Straighteners, curlers, crimpers etc are some of the most commonly used heating tools. Even though temperature can be adjusted in these heating tools, still these can cause damage to the hair.   

Trim Your Hair   

Trimming can help your hair grow better, especially when you trim your split ends. Split ends don't look so good on your hair and indicate an unhealthy hair routine. Trim once in 3 or 6 months as part of your hair care routine.  


Eat Healthy  

Above all this, eating something healthy can alter not only your hair, but your whole body. Include a wholesome diet plan in your daily routine and remember to add foods that boost hair growth. For example : Indian Gooseberry.  


Use Hair Wraps  

Using microfiber hair wraps when you sleep is good for your hair. You won’t have to worry about your hair breaking off in the morning. Also remember not to dry your hair harshly with a towel.   


Each hair type is different. You must choose a daily routine method after a thorough scrutiny. First find what type of hair and scalp type you have. Now look for the best shampoos, conditioners and oils for your hair. Then use it and run a hit and trial method. Opt the good ones and avoid the products that can make your hair look fussy. If you are looking for the best hair shampoos then you can opt for Watercolour Organics Hair Shampoo. Watercolour Organics Hair Oil is a popular hair oil and is known for its hair growth properties. Visit our Instagram page to know more about our products.